Sunday 30 December 2012

Happy New Year to All ~ with Breaks for Irish Castle Hotels

So a new year is nearly upon us. Also more New Year resolutions.

What possibly will be your resolutions for the coming year? It can be a of a puzzle as you know you are more than likely going to break most of them. I got mine sorted some years ago when I made a resolution not to make anymore New Year resolutions. And that is the only one I kept.

Anyhow, to one and all a Happy New Year and a great 2013.

Just to leave you with the last promotion for the year which is for castle hotels in Ireland.  A stay in an Irish castle is a memorable experience and may be one you can make a reality in 2013.

Clontarf Castle Hotel Dublin  -  one of Ireland's premier castle hotels.

 ~ Planning a trip to Galway? has new promotions for cheap Galway hotels.

Sunday 23 December 2012

Happy Christmas to Everyone from Irelands Best Hotels

Christmas is nearly upon us, and it is naturally different for every family, each having their own unique traditions. The days up to Christmas Eve build up to a frantic pace, and the usual rhythm of our daily lives is greatly changed - but in a nice way.

At the end of it all, however, is the real Yuletide joy of having the family all together, when even those that are absent are there in our thoughts or remembrance. Many things may alter in our lives, but Christmas can always be magical and the solid rock that near the end of every year reminds us that the very heart of our happiness as human beings is to be found amongst those we love.

So a Happy Christmas to everyone and a wish that it is full of special moments.

I will be in Dublin for the Christmas, looking forward to a relaxing time among family and friends. You may get here some time next year - after you have recovered from this one. With that idea then, this promotion for some excellent hotels in Dublin city centre is one that you may like to remember ......

Dublin City Centre Hotels special offers

Make your plans with  and new promotions for cheap hotels in Ireland.

Sunday 16 December 2012

The Exceptional Culloden Estate and Spa ~ plus some Belfast Hotel Offers

The gothic style Culloden Hotel in Co.Down has a striking majesty and imposing presence in the Hollywood Hills.
Most people will more than likely be staying home for Christmas. Even so, there is still time to fit in a short hotel break as we get closer to the main event of Christmas Day. It could fit in neatly with Christmas plans - time for gift shopping, time for a break away with friends or simply time-out from the hectic pressure of the festive season.

A nice hotel stay could take you anywhere in Ireland, and one destination of choice might be a visit to Belfast. That in turn also could take you to one exceptional hotel, the Culloden Estate and Spa - a five star gem in the hills of Hollywood overlooking picturesque Belfast Lough.

The Culloden is the type of hotel which impresses you from the outset. The entire hotel is plated in luxury and superbly presented. Public areas are warmly inviting, the decor is lavish and the whole ambiance suggests premier standards and finesse. Straight away it's that reassuring feeling which says .... “it's good to be here.”

The hotel's Mitre Restaurant is highly regarded and has garnered itself a solid reputation for a distinctive culinary style that has placed it high in the esteem of committed food lovers. My recent quick stop-off did not give me the time to enjoy its fine gourmet delights, but hopefully I will remedy that on my next visit. So more at a later time perhaps when one has more of an opportunity to discover the true passion at the heart of this famed restaurant.

The Mitre Restaurant has a distinctive culinary style that
places it high in the esteem of committed food lovers.
If rest and relaxation were to bring you here, you will find exactly what you are looking for. It just has that lovely sedate air about it. Naturally, you are going to find this most apparent in The Culloden's wonderful spa. And there is much to entice here - luxurious facilities, ethereal treatments and the certain touch of skilled hands. A 'sanctuary for mind and body' is how the essence of this spa is described. That is, in fact, as good a description as you will need if you are to wonder about the experience. If you are also wondering about the signature line, it is of course the superb ESPA range.

The Culloden is without doubt a quality hotel offering a superior experience. But it is one among a fine choice of hotels in or near Belfast. You could take your pick from any and be confident of a pleasant and restful stay. Also, a browse through our current Irish Spa offers would give you plenty of great recommendations for a delightful wellness experience, but I would certainly suggest that The Culloden Estate and Spa would fulfill and surpass your expectations.

Just in case I've given you the nudge to enjoy a stay in Belfast, here is our feature deal ......

The deck level swimming pool at the Culloden's Health Club.
Belfast Hotels special offers

Belfast has now the added attraction of the fascinating interactive exhibition, Titanic Belfast, which gives an insight into the history and story of the doomed liner. Another part of Ireland with associations to the Titanic is Cobh, in Co. Cork, and in the New Year I hope to visit this quaint town as well, of course, as Cork city itself. Naturally, I will be keeping you up-to-date on all the latest hotel offers I can find.

Come Christmas shopping in Dublin and grab an deal with  cheap Dublin Hotels offers.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Dublin Christmas Hotel Deals

Chill December nights in Dublin are no deterrent to eager shoppers intent on some early Christmas shopping.
Dublin has its own special atmosphere as the Christmas approaches. The crowds, the noise, the general buzz and the shop displays lends a sense of excitement and anticipation in the build-up the big day. Many shops in the city have reduced their prices leading to some attractive pre-Christmas bargains.

It is not just the Christmas spirit that many retailers want to see, they also want to encourage a spending spirit among Dublin shoppers. Despite recession, Irish shoppers tend to spend more than twice as much per capita than those in the rest of Europe - and that is a tendency they want to enlarge upon if possible. It remains to be seen, however, with the further austerity measures announced in the Irish government's recent budget, whether the festive cheer is dimmed enough to influence shoppers to hold back on expensive purchases.

In one way, it really would not matter if you never entered a shop to buy anything. A stroll through the streets at this time of year could give you all the pleasure and enjoyment you would need, suffused as they are with the wonderful feeling of Christmas. Although, I would say that a seasonal drink or meal would be the cherry on the cake at some point in your city saunter. Also, a trip to a Christmas market will bring that feeling to life in a very sensory manner with the distinctive smell of roasting chestnuts, hot gingerbread men and mulled wine.

Perhaps you should experience it all. If you're tempted, one of our cheap Dublin Hotels deals may be the only enticement you need. Here is something else to wrap with your Christmas presents .... our feature promotion for some excellent city centre hotels.

~ Pampering is just a click away with and new updates for Spa Breaks in Ireland special offers.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

New Killarney Hotel Deals for Christmas

The great Hollywood legend Bing Crosby used to sing of Christmas in Killarney. What a thought, and what a reality to experience if it was possible. Perhaps there are some who can escape all commitments and ties and plan for a seasonal stay in this magical part of Ireland.

Add into that a scenic, seasonal tour that should be enthralling. Imagine, so much to see ..... the Gap of Dunloe, Kate Kearney's Cottage, Echo Lake, the Black Valley. All of this with the impressive backdrop of the MacGillycuddy's Reeks and the serene splendour of the beautiful lakes. It makes you wish .....

Leaving wishes behind, here is something more realistic with which you can make practical plans, and it is straight from our latest Ireland Hotels Last Minute Deals  promotion  - 

~ Make the best of the savings at  with recent updates for cheap Irish hotels.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Temple Bar Hotel Deals

Visitors to Dublin will at some point take time out to experience the cobbled streets of Temple Bar. There is every reason why they should. It has some excellent restaurants, lively pubs and a variety of zany shops and an atmosphere with a pulsating buzz. Mind you, that is something you could take or leave depending on the time of day ..... or night. 

 But assuming that you might like to take advantage of a stay in Temple Bar, our special offer for this post will please you - as indeed will our other great  Dublin Hotels deals that are part of the latest discounts available for Irish hotels.

~ Take a trip with for a wondeful time and great savings with our Galway hotels special offers.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Galway's Eyre Square ~ and the Latest Hotel Offers

The atmospheric Fagan's Bar is located in the basement of the 4 star Hotel Meyric.  Step in from Eyre Square to enjoy the wonderful hospitality of one of Galway's finest bars. Particularly enjoyable with good company.
Anytime I am in Galway City I like to spend some time in the Eyre Square Centre. It always seems to have a nice lively buzz about it, and aside from all the interesting shops it is just a lovely place to take some time-out for a coffee or a snack. In fact, you can do this and at the same time admire the wonderful way that the architects have retained part of the old city's wall within the centre's structure.

Just outside, of course, is Eyre Square itself which still manages to have an historic feel about, especially if you spend a few moments to consider that quite a lot of the buildings come from a distant period. In recent years the square has been given a facelift to good affect and is a pleasant focal point for festival events or just taking some leisurely moments. After the makeover, they still kept the Gaway Hooker sculpture which at first sight looks like several slices of conjoined rusty metal. Viewed through an artistic eye, however, it is expected that you can appreciate a sublime example of modern art. But visitors who disregard the 'Kings-new-suit-of clothes' perspective, and who take the trouble to have a closer look, will find several slices of conjoined rusty metal.

There is so much to explore in Galway, but before you leave Eyre Square take the opportunity to pop in to the impressive Hotel Meyric which first opened its doors to guests in 1854. Many famous people have stayed here including John Ford, Fread Astaire, John Wayne and Bing Crosby. As you can gather, it is something special.

Now something else special from our 'Irelands Hotels' promotions, and one guess will get it - a special deal for hotels in Galway.

~ Benefit from savings during your trip to the capital with  great  Dublin Hotels offers.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Cork City Hotel Breaks

Cork is Ireland's third largest city and a popular destination for visitors. The focal point is the River Lee and it is where the city had its early origins from the marsh lands of its estuary before it slowly took shape as an important seaport settlement.

It's immensely popular with visitors as it has its own characteristic atmosphere - certainly distinct from Dublin or from any of the other larger towns in the country. The locals, it is said, believe Cork to be the true capital of the country. Admittedly, this is said only in a facetious way, but that doesn't mean that Corkonians think otherwise. They might explain as much to you if you could manage to understand the lilting accent and the rare idiomatic expressions.

As always, it is best to explore the delights of any town or city first hand - and that is exactly what you can do with our current 'Hotels Ireland ' promotional offers which features Cork City. Aside from the accents you will have no end of helpful advice from the friendly people of Cork when you do come to visit and experience the special attraction of this historic city.

~ Here is something special from . New breaks and discounts for Killarney Hotels offers.

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Deserved Time-Out with an Irish Hotel Spa Break

The Icon Spa at the beautifully located 4 star Castle Dargan Hotel in Sligo offers therapies ranging from dry floatation, massage therapies, facial therapies, and balneotherapy from its superb Elmis signature line of superior spa products.
Hard work deserves some reward and it is reasonable for to say that, at the least, the dedicated worker needs some recuperative time-out to keep a healthy balance in his or her life. That point alone is one of the reasons why spa breaks have become such a popular choice with many who are looking to de-stress and unwind away from everything to do with the work environment.

For that to happen it is important that a quality spa centre offers everything in the line of treatments and amenities so that it achieves that 'perfect place' designation that satisfied clients bestow when they come away happy. That informal accolade is still a real achievement.  Achievement in this sense means the client is conscious of a sense of wellbeing, and that some elements of rejuvenation, new vitality and relaxation has interposed itself into their general sense of self.

In Ireland, we are fortunate and can boast of the fact that we have so many excellent, high quality spas. Mostly they are incorporated into the wonderful facilities of our first rank hotels where experienced therapists bring to their clients a full spectrum of exclusive treatments. Amenities such as saunas, steam rooms, hot tubs, plunge pools underscore the luxury environment of our best spa offerings.

Invariably, this indulgence is backed by impressive and expected premier class accommodation and dining options - all going to emphasise that real pampering goes beyond mere slippers and robes. Here, without a doubt, Irish hotels win out as the standard of service and facilities they provide are a sublime match with everything else that has been integrated into the establishment's separate but complementary spa experience.

Essentially, a spa break is a me-treat available to us all in virtually every county in Ireland. It is something that will make you feel good about yourself and comes at a price that is reasonable for what you get. Confidently, one could say: you won't be disappointed, and you will be glad you did it. Whats more, for some people - and without overstating it - it has tangible and significant health benefits, and becomes something they schedule into their personal routine.
Castle Dargan's Icon Spa provides superior facilities in a secluded location.

Where to go then? Well, the choice of destination is wide and varied and something you can take time over. A check through our 'Ireland Hotels offers' section could give you a good guide to where initially you would like to visit in the country, and after that you only need to search out the particular hotel and spa that appeals to you. Whatever the choice or wherever your fancy takes you, you will certainly have something nice to look forward to and something special to talk about on your return.

To help you on your way and make your wellness break even more special, here is our current discount promotion for spa breaks in Ireland -

~ Visiting the capital? Make sure of a discount with cheap breaks for Dublin Hotels special offers.

Friday 19 October 2012

Dublin's Temple Bar and Some Great Hotel Deals

In a moment I am going to step out of this delightful Dublin pub - the Oliver St. John Gogarty. This is a traditional watering hole for thirsty Dubs and a irresistible attraction for visitors. It's got that 'old worlde' charm we all rave about, it has got every type of drink you might want, but today it has got what I want most - a good hearty meal. And after just finishing up this delicious repast, I will again venture out from the last hour's pleasant interlude in this most welcoming pub.

That is going to put me right smack in the middle of Temple Bar. I forgot to mention that. But that is exactly where the Oliver St. John Gogarty is located. If you are rambling around here you can't miss it. For good food or drink, you can't go wrong here.  In fact, without either it would still be nice.  Aside from this fine establishment, Temple Bar itself is full of excellent pubs and restaurants. Believe me, choice will not be a problem.

These cobbled streets that are now constantly populated by so many tourists was once in former years a place of ill repute where the activities of the demimonde cast its dark immoral shadow over the delicate sensibilities of the times. How terrible. But now, do we really care about all those depressing tales? That was all back in the 18th century. Gone today are the ladies of dubious pleasure as well as the craftsmen and merchants that used to ply their trade here. Of course, with so many good people banished, Temple Bar fell into decline for many decades. But a thoughtful rejuvenation changed all that, and now artists and other lofty types have taken hold in Temple Bar, thus making the area once again a place of keen interest and enjoyment.

Well then, we can take it you'll want to visit. So dipping once again into our Ireland Hotels promotion bag we have this nice offering for Temple Bar ...... 

~ Time for some quiet indulgence?  Then see for the latest offers for Spa Breaks in Ireland.

Friday 12 October 2012

Kilkenny's Nice Buzz ~ and Offers for Kilkenny Hotels

The historic St. Canice's Cathedral in Kilkenny has origins dating back to the 6th century.
Looking for some weekend excitement or alternatively a laid-back restful break? Kilkenny may be just what you have in mind.

Kilkenny has a wonderful atmosphere. It's got that nice buzz without the stress inducing city clamour that you can sometimes find in Dublin. It has got some truly excellent hotels that are well capable of giving you the break you need without even going beyond the door - but if you do, Kilkenny itself is packed with quality bars and restaurants that will leave you spoilt for choice.

Most of us also know that Kilkenny has a reputation for its artistic crafts and it is simply wonderful to explore all the fascinating handmade works created in the area. The talented craft workers here have an array of unique products that showcase the jewellery, leather work, basketmaking, glass and ceramic designs that they have hand-worked into quality pieces of fine Irish craft.

Every post we always showcase our best deals in the shape of cheap Irish hotels, and because we are focusing at the moment on Kilkenny, here is something to give you that little extra encouragement to visit the Marble City ......

~ Try checking with for city breaks and cheap Galway hotels.

Monday 1 October 2012

Killarney's Attraction Never Dims ~ and the Latest Hotel Offers

Ireland is famous for its mix of beautiful scenery, intriguing history and friendly people. Travel anywhere in the country and you will always come across something memorable to impress you. Naturally, in this our first post for our new Irelands Best Hotels blog, we have decided to pick somewhere special and enduringly popular. Although there are many destinations in Ireland that fit in that category, one such place is Killarney with its perfect postcard scenes of natural beauty.

When intending visitors make an internet search for Ireland hotels, often the first destination they may have in mind, outside of Dublin, is Killarney. Its attraction never dims. The area was always exceptional, but the public took even greater notice after the visit of Queen Victoria in the mid 19th century. She was enthralled with the peace and beauty of the place.

 And what was good enough for Queen Victoria, who visited with great pomp in 1861, is good enough for us. With that in mind, our kick-off offer this month is for hotels in Killarney. Enjoy the savings and the fun.

~ Try checking with for city breaks and cheap Galway hotels.