Tuesday 22 January 2013

Lincoln comes to town ~ plus new Temple Bar Hotel Deals

So, how many of you were lucky enough to get an invite to the Dublin showing of the new Steven Spielberg film Lincoln which had its European premier in the  Savoy Cinema on Sunday.  Not many, I suppose, unless you have some special connection with the Hollywood glitterati.  

The only comment one of my friends made  -  who is always available with a different perspective on the most mundane things  -  was to wonder if this would change things for Dr. Mudd.  This was a reference to Dr. Samuel Mudd who was unjustly convicted and imprisoned in the frenzy that followed the aftermath of Lincoln's assassination.  Many attempts were made to have his conviction for conspiracy overturned, but without success.

My friend might concern himself about that, but I doubt if many of the audience for Sunday's premier ever even thought about it.   Too much bubbly does tend to cloud the mind at the best of times.

Still, I think I will reflect a little more on the fate of Dr. Mudd, but I will do so in the comfortable surroundings of good Dublin pub  -  possibly in Temple Bar where one can meet people who seem to know a lot about everything.  That holds true for Lincoln, Mudd and every other subject under the sun. 

Oh, yes.  And here's the next promotion.  You see, you can join me if you wish. 

Temple Bar Hotels special offers

~ Have a wonderful stay with IrelandsBesthotels.net with the most recent Galway hotels deals.

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